Test Results - Tail Splice (7x19 GAC to Amsteel Fiber Rope)
Testing Web Site
by Delbert L. Hall,
Certified Rigger - Theatre and ETCP Recognized Trainer

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In January 2009, I was asked by Chuck Stoltz of the Sandhill Soaring Club
to test a couple of tail
splices involving wire rope (7 x 19 GAC) spliced to a fiber rope
(Amsteel Blue – a 12 strand single braided rope). Chuck’s application was as
a tow line for launching sailplanes. See
http://sandhillsoaring.org/Glider/glider1.htm to watch a video of a
winch launch of a glider. This just seemed far too
interesting to turndown.
Chuck sent me two samples to test; each used a different method for
making the splice. The first sample/method involved weaving the wires
of the GAC and the strands form the rope together. Chuck’s method for
this splice was based to two resources: tail splicing instructions from
Liros (http://www.deckhardware.com.au/tech_sheets/Rope%20To%20Wire%20Splice.pdf)
and instructions in Brion Toss’s book The Complete Rigger’s Apprentice.
It should be noted that both of these sets of instructions discuss
splicing the GAC to double-braided rope and Chuck was using a single
braided rope which has no core, so some minor modification of these
instructions was required. Here is a photo of the completed splice to
help you better understand what is trying to be accomplished.
The second splice was much simpler and involves running the GAC down
the center of the rope and then using a swaging sleeve (or several
sleeves) to terminate the tail to the GAC. Below is a photo of this
type of splice.
My immediate reaction upon seeing the splice with three sleeves was
that this was a waist of sleeves, but let’s test it and also variations
with one sleeve and with another with no sleeves (more on this later).
In Brion Toss’s book he says “For any Tail Splice, make the rope within
1/8 inch of being twice the diameter of the wire (rope); a larger
difference results in distortion and a weaker splice.” I think Brion
may have meant “smaller” difference because I found that the tail
splices that I made where the wire rope and the fiber rope were the
same diameter, the fiber rope broke at the splice at a tensile load
that was less that the min. rated BS of the either the wire rope or the
fiber rope (about 25% less). In my samples where the fiber rope was
slightly larger than the wire rope, the GAC failed first.
All of the samples used in this test were made using 5/32” GAC (with a
min. rated BS of 2800#) and 3/16” Amsteel (with a min. rated BS of
5400#). For each variation of splice I tested only one sample. Every
sample in the test failed at the swaged eye termination on the GAC at a
tensile force that was greater than the min. rated BS of the GAC. Here
are the specific results:
of Splice |
Strength |
Tail splice with GAC buried in Amsteel and with the wire and
fibers woven together |
Tail splice with GAC buried in
Amsteel and with three swaging sleeves |
Tail splice with GAC buried in
Amsteel and with one swaging sleeve |
Tail splice with GAC buried in
Amsteel and with no swaging sleeves |
2841# |
Since the BS exceeded the min. BS of the GAC, I do not consider the
difference in the actual BSs listed above as significant. What these
test show is that all of these tail splices will hold 100% of the min.
rated breaking strength of the wire rope used.
The tail splice that used no sleeves relied entirely of the contraction
of the rope around the GAC (like a Chinese finger cuff) for its holding
power. In my sample I buried the GAC approximately 30 inches into the
AmSteel. This was approximately 150 times the diameter of the GAC. How
did I decide on this number? Honestly, it was the distance that Chuck
had buried the GAC into the Amsteel on both the samples that he sent
me, so I decided to try it that length by itself. And it worked.
Copyright 2008 - Delbert
L. Hall